About Laura Skutch
Laura Skutch is a lifelong learner and lover of the arts. She comes from a musical as well visual arts background and family; her mother was a singer and performer on Broadway and a visual artist and teacher later in life and her father a writer. She was fortunate in growing up in Westport, CT where the arts were not only valued but exalted. Her early influences began in high school and remain the backbone of her approach to a subject.
Laura is a purist as much as one can be in the digital and artificial intelligence universe. Although she never developed her own film as a photographer, she firmly believes that it is important to establish a relationship with one's subject, not simply because it is "beautiful" in a relative sense of beauty, but that you have been deeply affected by having seen it and been in your subject's presence and under its "spell." The shot must be reflective of that spirit and speak of the magic and power of that moment. This is why you press the shutter. This luminance is what draws us to one artist and not another.
Laura has performed on stage and solo as a singer and guitarist. She is a multi-instrumentalist and is classically trained as well as having studied jazz improvisation and popular music interpretation as a performer.
Laura currently lives and works in Connecticut, USA.